
Reminders on a Post-It amongst family photos in the Ford home. (photo credit: National Geographic/Jeremy Simmons)

Watch: “Gender Revolution” Extended Trailer

This Monday is the television premiere of Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric, and I highly recommend it to everyone. The documentary blends both personal stories and scientific knowledge to present a textured and understanding look at gender and what it means to be intersex or transgender. Here’s a sneak peek.

National Geographic - Gender

National Geographic to Feature Trans Girl on Cover

An upcoming issue of National Geographic magazine will feature a nine-year-old transgender girl on the cover and tie in to a two-hour documentary on “the shifting landscape of gender.”

Facebook Adds Gender Options, But Needs More for Parents, Children, Family

Facebook took a positive step forward today by offering users the ability to indicate a gender option other than just female or male. Now one can choose transgender, trans woman, trans man, trans person, intersex, genderqueer, gender fluid, and many other variations — about 50 in all. But the range of choices to indicate family members who are also on Facebook remains traditionally gendered.

“Do You Miss Not Having a Father?”

Australian filmmaker Maya Newell gave one of the best responses I’ve ever seen to the mistaken assertion that all kids need a mother and a father.

Kids of Lesbian and Gay Parents Play in Less Gender-Stereotyped Ways

A new study has shown that adopted children of same-sex parents are “significantly less” gender stereotyped in their play habits than adopted children of opposite-sex parents. That news is likely to be seen as a Bad Thing by many on the extreme right—but as the study notes, many scholars, parents, and educators today believe a more flexible attitude towards gender roles is less limiting to children’s development. Such openness may thus have psychological benefits—and that’s a Good Thing.

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