hiv and aids

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World AIDS Day: Parents and Children

I don’t often post on weekends, but today is World AIDS Day, so I’m continuing my tradition of sharing stories and statistics about parents and children with HIV/AIDS. Even in the fourth decade of its existence, the disease continues to shatter lives and decimate communities.

AIDS Ribbon

World AIDS Day: Parents and Children

Today is World AIDS Day, so I’m continuing my tradition of sharing stories and statistics about parents and children with HIV/AIDS, especially since our current president, in his proclamation for the day, has refused to specify any of the communities disproportionately affected by the disease.

AIDS Ribbon

World Aids Day: Parents and Children

Today is World AIDS Day, so I’m continuing my tradition of sharing stories and statistics about parents and children with HIV/AIDS.

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Stories of Those Who Lost Parents to AIDS

Hillary Clinton erred last week about the history of HIV/AIDS. She quickly acknowledged her mistake—but I thought this was a good time to remind readers of a great site telling the stories of parents lost to AIDS.

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Stories of Parents with HIV/AIDS

Today is World AIDS Day, and it’s worth checking out these sites and writers who are sharing stories of parents with HIV/AIDS, from their own perspectives and those of their children.

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AIDS and Children: Progress, but Far Still to Go

For World AIDS Day today, since so many other LGBT sites are ably covering how HIV/AIDS continues to impact the LGBTQ community, I want instead to highlight once again some statistics about HIV/AIDS and children. There has been a drop in new infections over the last few years, but even so, the numbers are still sobering.

AIDS Ribbon

World AIDS Day: Remembering the Children

Today is World AIDS Day. Since so many other LGBT sites are ably covering how HIV/AIDS impacts the LGBT community, I want instead to highlight once again some recent statistics about HIV/AIDS and children. There has been a drop in new infections over the last few years, but even so, the numbers are still sobering.

AIDS Ribbon

World AIDS Day: Remembering the Children

Today is World AIDS Day once again—and while Secretary of State Hilary Clinton may have a vision for an “AIDS-free generation,” HIV/AIDS continues to devastate lives and communities around the world. Since so many other LGBT sites are ably covering how it impacts the LGBT community, I want to instead once again highlight some recent statistics about HIV/AIDS and children.

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