
Weekly Political Roundup

The Prop 8 Case Everyone is covering the Prop 8 case. Here are a few of the sites with people on the ground at the courtroom. (As you may have heard, the U.S. Supreme Court banned videocasting of the trial. Jenny Pizer, Lambda Legal’s Marriage Project director, explains why.)j Lisa Keen has a good summary […]

Will Big Mammas Be a Big Hit?

Amy and Mandy are two lesbian moms and “self-made millionaire entrepreneurs” from Indiana who have been blogging for about four months now. Today they are launching the first episode in their weekly Web video series, Big Mammas. They turn the camera on themselves and their two children, seven-year-old Amanda and five-year-old Bradley, to answer the

Weekly Political Roundup

Some good, some bad, and some ugly this week: The federal First Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on March 7 in Cook v. Gates (formerly Cook v. Rumsfeld [Ha! -Ed.]), a constitutional challenge to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on LGB service members. Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also

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