
Two Stops for Social Justice in D.C.

Last Saturday, during our family trip to Washington, D.C., we visited the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and the Holocaust Museum. Going to the two of them one after the other (a decision originally dictated by geography) made me keenly aware of how injustice and oppression have played out in various ways throughout human history, and how people both famous and unnamed have stepped up to fight it.

Watch: Honey Maid Turns Hate into Love in Response to Ad

Nabisco-owned Honey Maid received a lot of hate mail for its “This Is Wholesome” commercial featuring gay dads, an interracial couple, and various other types of families. Their response is perhaps the best corporate reaction to such flack that I’ve ever seen. Watch — then go buy a few boxes and make s’mores for dessert tonight.

Audre Lorde on Family

Audre Lorde, self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” would have turned 80 this week had cancer not taken her in 1992. Here’s what she said about family in 1975.

“The Call” Video About Adoption Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

This touching new video from the Family Equality Council’s “Allies for Adoption” campaign is the most poignant thing I’ve seen online in quite some time. Anyone who has ever waited for that call from an adoption agency should be able to relate.

Two Don’t-Miss Videos About Three Dads

These two delightful videos will start your Friday right. Both show fathers who are awesome in different ways, and both have fun twists at the end.

A Gay Dad Explains Why He Doesn’t Like the Phrase “Motherless Parenting”

From the “how could I have missed this” files: While studies show [and they do] that children with same-sex parents are just as well-adjusted as those with different-sex parents, they might lead us to overlook the full experience of adopted children, wrote Frank Ligtvoet in the New York Times a few weeks back. Ligtvoet, a gay dad with two adopted children, reminds us that “motherless parenting is a misnomer.”

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