
Tallit and yarmulke

Mazel Tov to My Son

On Saturday, my son became a bar mitzvah, taking on the mantle of Jewish adulthood. I couldn’t be prouder—and I couldn’t be more thankful for the family and friends who came together to support him.

Moses Has Two Mommies

Tonight is the first night of Passover, when Jews around the world gather to celebrate freedom from slavery in Egypt, under the leadership of a man who had two mommies.

Jewish Book Project Offers Free Purim Picture Book with Gay Dads

One of the more delightful recent picture books featuring a child with LGBT parents is Elisabeth Kushner’s The Purim Superhero, about a child with gay dads celebrating the Jewish holiday of Purim. I wrote about the book last year when it was first published — and am pleased to see that PJ Library, a project that sends free children’s books to Jewish families, is offering free copies of the book to subscribers who request it.

Songs for Peace and Justice

Yesterday, I wrote about Julie Silver, a well-known Jewish singer-songwriter and lesbian mom. As we approach the start of Yom Kippur this evening, it seems only appropriate to post a clip of her singing. The first song, “This Train,” is a beautiful metaphor about social justice that people of all traditions should appreciate. And for extra-special lesbian goodness, it’s the song of hers that Ellen DeGeneres said was her favorite, according to a blurb on Silver’s Web site.

Julie Silver: A Journey of Faith, Family, and Song

It’s the season of the High Holidays for Jews around the world—and that means that Julie Silver, one of the most popular singers and songwriters of Jewish contemporary music — and a lesbian mom — is very busy. She took time, however, to speak with me about being a mom, balancing family and work, coming out, living as an interfaith family, and doing good in the world.

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