
Weekly Political Roundup

Mostly good news this week, huzzah! First, one that didn’t make it into this week’s LGBT Parenting Roundup, but which is excellent news for LGBT families: Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) reintroduced the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) into the U.S. House, adding important updates that would provide paid leave for all workers to care […]

LGBT Parenting Roundup

The news came fast and furious this week: The good: A Kentucky bill to ban unmarried couples from becoming foster or adoptive parents is effectively dead after not being called for a floor vote this session. Good news. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced that the antigay Arizona-based Adoption Profiles, LLC and Adoption Media,

LGBT Parenting Roundup

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to take the case of a Kentucky high school student who wants to sue his school district over a policy he says barred him from expressing opposition to homosexuality. Alaska North Star Borough School Board voted to add gender identity to the nondiscrimination and harassment policies that cover students, staff,

Kentucky Forbids Same-Sex Stepparents

The Kentucky Court of Appeals ruled this week that adoptions by stepparents are allowed only when the stepparent is married to the child’s biological parent. In a catch-22, same-sex stepparents cannot therefore adopt because Kentucky has a constitutional amendment banning marriage of same-sex couples. The ruling holds regardless of whether the person was involved in

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