
12 LGBTQ-Inclusive Holiday Books for Kids

12 LGBTQ-Inclusive Holiday Books for Kids

Looking for LGBTQ-inclusive, holiday-themed books for kids? There may not be as many as we’d like, but there might be more than you think!

Happy Kwanzaa!

A very happy Kwanzaa to those of you celebrating it this week. While the holiday is not a part of my own tradition, I do think there is much value in the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. The world would be a better place if more people took them to heart. Whatever you are or have

Happy Kwanzaa!

A very happy Kwanzaa to those of you celebrating it today. Kwanzaa is not part of our family’s tradition, but I love how it shows that we can honor our heritage in new ways, with traditions rooted in the past but developed in the present. (Kwanzaa was founded in 1966, which to me counts as

Family Songs from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, I’ve created links

Happy Kwanzaa!

A very happy Kwanzaa to those of you celebrating it today. I am not one of them, but I love how Kwanzaa shows that we can honor our heritage in new ways, with traditions rooted in the past but developed in the present. (Kwanzaa was founded in 1966, which to me counts as present in

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