lisa miller

But Wait, There’s More: Latest in Miller-Jenkins Case

It’s the case that will not end. The custody battle between Lisa Miller and Janet Jenkins, has dragged on for years. Miller, the bio mom, who now says she is no longer a lesbian, most recently tried in Virginia to block enforcement of a Vermont order granting Jenkins visitation rights with their seven-year-old daughter Isabella. […]

It’s Not Over Yet: “Protect Isabella Coalition” Forms to Keep Girl from Lesbian Mom

In this week of euphoria over the marriage victories, let’s not forget we still have a long way to go. Today, “a coalition of concerned Virginia citizens” has formed the “Protect Isabella Coalition” to “create awareness of what it labels ‘judicial tyranny’ in the child custody/visitation case involving Miller, Isabella’s biological mother, and Vermonter Janet

LGBT Parenting Roundup

The news came fast and furious this week: The good: A Kentucky bill to ban unmarried couples from becoming foster or adoptive parents is effectively dead after not being called for a floor vote this session. Good news. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced that the antigay Arizona-based Adoption Profiles, LLC and Adoption Media,

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Lesbian Mom’s Rights

Good news: The U.S. Supreme Court today declined to hear the case of “ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller, letting stand a ruling that Virginia must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to Miller’s former civil-union partner Janet Jenkins. This is the same case that Newsweek covered this week as well. Best wishes to six-year-old

Newsweek Covers Lesbian Custody Case

The latest issue of Newsweek has a long piece by Lorraine Ali, “Mrs. Kramer Vs. Mrs. Kramer” covering the child custody case between former civil union partners Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller. This is the case that I’ve covered many times before, which has bounced between the jurisdictions of Vermont and Virginia. It’s good to

Weekly Political Roundup

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from “ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller, who is trying to deny visitation to her former partner, Janet Jenkins. SCOTUS rejected the appeal based on a ruling from the Vermont Supreme Court, where the case was first heard. It must still decide whether to hear a petition in

Weekly Political Roundup

A Zogby Poll found that more than six in 10 U.S. voters say they could support an openly gay candidate for president of the U.S. U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), chair of the House Financial Services Committee, is looking into a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) policy that disqualifies domestic partners from receiving coverage available

The Right Loves Lesbian Moms

Why is an ultra-right legal group supporting the custody suit of a lesbian mom? Nancy Polikoff, author of Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law asks the question in a fascinating post today at Beacon Broadside. As Polikoff tells it, a Virginia appeals court last week rejected a visitation request by

Virginia Upholds Non-Bio Lesbian Mom’s Rights

The Virginia Supreme Court ruled today that the state must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to Janet Jenkins, a non-biological lesbian mom locked in a custody battle with her former partner, Lisa Miller. The Court rejected Miller’s claim that Virginia law and a state constitutional amendment against same-sex unions (including ones from

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