
Protect Maine Equality Takes the High Road

Here’s the latest ad from Protect Maine Equality. I like it a lot. I think they smartly don’t fall prey to the “Yes they will” – “No they won’t” trap that tripped up California’s No On 8 campaign when fighting the claim that marriage equality would (gasp!) mean children get taught about homosexuality in schools. […]

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Personal Stories Some of you may know Brett Berk, aka The Gay Uncle, from his blog, his book, The Gay Uncle’s Guide to Parenting, his pieces at Momlogic, or even Stick Shift, his Vanity Fair gay car blog. The guy gets around. Seems like he’s not the only one in his family to be in

Weekly Political Roundup

What a week in LGBT political news! Here are some of the highlights: National News The U.S. Senate approved the Matthew Shepard & James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It now goes to President Obama, who has said he will sign it. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a series of

Maine Bigots Look Set to Misuse Family Diversity Film

The ultra-conservatives trying to revoke marriage equality in Maine look set to use the excellent LGBT-inclusive diversity-education film That’s a Family!, by Academy Award-winning filmmaker (and lesbian mom!) Debra Chasnoff for their own bigoted purposes, Frank Hogarth of San Francisco’s Beyond Chron reports. (Jeremy of Good As You independently confirmed a payment to Chasnoff’s Groundspark

Weekly Political Roundup

U.S. National News The White House has issued a statement of President Barack Obama’s position on marriage equality referenda in Maine and Washington. The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which would extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, flew through its Senate hearing.The similar bill House bill has already passed out of committee.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Just Awesome The Harry Potter Alliance, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit “dedicated to bringing the themes of Harry Potter into the real world” announced a grassroots effort to help defeat Ref. 1 and support marriage equality in Maine. As Jeremy at Good As You said, Dumbledore would be proud. Youth and Schools Fifty-three Republicans have signed a

Maine Reflections

(Originally published in Bay Windows, September 15, 2009. I think Protect Maine Equality has gained some traction since I wrote it, but I believe much of the below still holds true.) My spouse and I took our six-year-old son camping in Maine right before the school year began. I have been camping there myself since

New No On 1 Maine Ad Slams the Right’s Family Scare Tactics

Yes On One, the group that wants to revoke marriage equality in Maine, launched this drivel yesterday: After the jump, Protect Maine Equality’s response. I think it’s a good one. (And yes, you really can go read pages of Who’s in a Family? on their Web site, which I think is a great idea. What’s

LGBT Parenting Roundup

It’s a big roundup this week, so grab some coffee: Personal Stories The U.K.’s Mirror brings us the story of Emma and Laura Flanagan, who used the same known donor to get pregnant five months apart, and plan for their children to know the man as their father, though not a legal one. It’s pretty

Weekly Political Roundup

Bunches of news this week. I’m saving parenting/youth-related stuff for a separate roundup early next week. This week was busy with the extra Banned Books Week content. Stay tuned! An article written by an Air Force colonel in Joint Force Quarterly, which is published for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, concludes that

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