
LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

Here are some of the stories about LGBTQ families that I haven’t covered elsewhere. Pull up a cup of coffee.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

Here are a bunch of stories I haven’t covered (or covered lightly) elsewhere. It’s a big roundup, so pull up a chair and get comfy.


Doctor Refuses to Care for Lesbian Moms’ Baby

File this under “despicable.” A two-mom couple in Michigan says the pediatrician they had selected to care for their newborn daughter has refused because they are lesbians.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

It’s time for another roundup of LGBTQ parenting news! Here are a few of the stories I haven’t covered already.

Judge Rules Michigan Marriage Ban Unconstitutional; Says Defendants’ Expert “Entirely Unbelievable”

Great news to end the week: A federal judge just struck down Michigan’s ban on the marriage of same-sex couples! This was a particularly meaningful win for same-sex couples with children because the plaintiffs were two moms, April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse, who began their legal trek seeking adoption rights, adding marriage later. The judge, Bernard Friedman, was particularly harsh in his criticism of the defendants’ argument that children fare better with a married mom and dad.

Discredited Researcher Testifies Against Same-Sex Parents

Sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin testified this week in a federal case to determine whether same-sex couples can adopt and/or marry in Michigan. The bad news? He’s a thoroughly discredited researcher whose work was backed by money from religious conservatives. Or maybe that’s the good news.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Lots of stories here I haven’t covered elsewhere, including a few that look at ramifications of some recent federal court decisions, a couple of jurisdictions reconsidering surrogacy laws, and some nice family profiles.


Scientific Studies of Same-Sex Parents Have Long and Legally Tested History

Yesterday in the Detroit Free Press (and picked up in USA Today), Tresa Baldas wrote about the federal case beginning today in Michigan that will determine whether same-sex couples can marry and adopt there. She states, “now, for the first time, scientific studies on same-sex parenting will undergo legal scrutiny.” Really? The first time? REALLY?

Study: Children from Intact Two-Mom Families Have Higher Self-esteem, Fewer Conduct Problems than Those from Intact Mom-Dad ones

A new study has found that adolescents with lesbian moms had higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of conduct problems compared with peers in families that have a mom and a dad. Importantly, this is the first study to compare adolescent—parent relationships and well-being in families where the parents — both lesbian and straight — were all continuously coupled. This is key to combating some of the apples-to-oranges comparisons that have plagued right-wing analyses of lesbian and gay parenting — and seems perfectly timed to help fight a federal case that starts today.

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