
Cheese and Roses

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle (D) signed a bill yesterday that allows same-sex couples to register as domestic partners and thus gain certain rights like hospital visitation and survivor benefits. As an erstwhile Cheesehead, who met my now-spouse while we were both graduate students at UW-Madison, this comes as happy news. Wisconsin is, in fact, the […]

Yet Another Non-Bio Mom Wins Custody Appeal

This just in: More good news for non-bio moms, to add to the Jenkins-Miller decision I posted about earlier: A California Court of Appeal has denied the latest appeal (PDF) of Kristina S., a biological, “ex-lesbian” mom who has been trying since 2004 to prevent her former partner Charisma R. from being declared a legal

Missouri Rules Against Non-Bio Mom; Denies Boys Their Brothers

On Monday, I posted happy news of changes to the Uniform Probate Code that would allow for greater recognition of non-bio moms. Lawyer Nancy Polikoff, who was the source of the news, now lets us know of a custody case involving a non-bio mom that has me spitting nails in anger. Leslea and Michelle White,

West Virginia Rules in Best Interests of Child

The West Virginia Supreme Court ruled unanimously Friday that Kathryn Kutil and Cheryl Hess, a lesbian couple who have been fostering an 18-month-old girl since shortly after she was born, can maintain custody and not turn the child over to an opposite-sex couple for adoption, as ordered by a lower court. The Supreme Court ruling

Breaking: Marriage Equality In New Hampshire!

New Hampshire just became the sixth state to enact marriage equality for all couples! (Well, seventh if you count California, which enacted and then rescinded it for all but 18,000 couples.) Gov. John Lynch signed the bill moments ago after it passed both houses of the legislature this afternoon. Best wishes to all of my

Prop 8: The Think Positive Edition

The blogosphere is awash in news and analysis of Prop 8. I’m working on a more thoughtful piece of my own, but in the meantime, I wanted to highlight a few of the more positive pieces I’ve found. Call me an optimist, but I do believe in that bendable arc of the universe. First, lesbian-rights

Repealing DADT Is Only the First Step

(I wrote this back in February for, but it seemed timely to repost it here (with slight updates) in light of the Army National Guard’s recent dismissal of West Point graduate and Arabic linguist Lt. Dan Choi under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” (He was on the Rachel Maddow Show last week.) Although the timetable

Whether You Like Gulls or Buoys, You Can Marry in Maine

What a week to be taking time away from blogging. I’m breaking my self-imposed absence, however, to pop in and say, “Go, Maine!” Governor John E. Baldacci today signed marriage equality into law. In the governor’s news release, he said, “In the past, I opposed gay marriage while supporting the idea of civil unions. I

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