mother’s day

To All Types of Mothers on Mothers’ Day

As I was thinking about what to write for this column, I did what any self-respecting parenting writer would do, and asked my son. “Write about how there are many types of moms,” he suggested. “You know, like how some moms are all girly but you’re not.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Memoirs By and About Lesbian Moms

In honor of mothers today, here are a baker’s dozen of memoirs by and about lesbian moms. They are not just for lesbian or LGBT audiences, however, but shed light on many of the universal challenges and blessings of motherhood.

Happy Motherz Day

The New Yorker’s terrific cover this week shows two moms reading a card while their children peek from the next room. Artist Chris Ware explained his thinking behind the image in a blog post titled “Happy Mothers’ Day.” That should come as no surprise; the magazine ran a cartoon in 2011 in which a girl with two mothers explains to her teacher how she punctuates the holiday. But as I pointed out then, “Mothers’ Day” doesn’t necessarily reflect all lesbian moms.

How 12 Two-Mom Families Are Celebrating Mothers’ Day and Motherhood

In honor of Mothers’ Day, Freedom to Marry has asked 12 two-mom families to talk about how they are celebrating the holiday, what being a mother means to them, and what marriage means to their family (whether or not they are currently married). There are couples with infants (one only a month old!), and ones

Send a “Mama’s Day” Card to Celebrate All Families

Strong Families, which aims “to change the way people think, feel and act in support of families,” has once again launched its annual Mama’s Day Our Way campaign of free e-cards, celebrating families of color, LGBT families, immigrant families, multi-racial families, young families, and single parent families.

Happy Mothers’ Day — More Lesbian Mom Posts (and Lots of Waffles)

Happy Mothers’ Day or Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there! We may come to motherhood in different ways, and approach it in different manners, but we are all united by a love of our children. Here are a few additional posts from round and about that speak to the spirit of the holiday:

Happy Mothering Sunday!

A very happy Mothering Sunday to my readers in the U.K. and other countries that are celebrating it today. Here in the U.S., our Mother’s Day isn’t until May, but at Mombian, of course, every day is Mother’s Day (or Mothers’ Day, depending on your relationship status), so have a great day no matter where you live.

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