new hampshire

Weekly Political Roundup

Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA) introduced the Reuniting Families Act, an immigration bill that includes allowing Americans to sponsor same-sex partners for residency. The Senate version does not include that provision, but the Senate Judiciary Committee this week held hearings on a separate immigration bill, the Uniting American Families Act, that would end discrimination against LGBT […]

Breaking: Marriage Equality In New Hampshire!

New Hampshire just became the sixth state to enact marriage equality for all couples! (Well, seventh if you count California, which enacted and then rescinded it for all but 18,000 couples.) Gov. John Lynch signed the bill moments ago after it passed both houses of the legislature this afternoon. Best wishes to all of my

Weekly Political Roundup

The California Supreme Court has announced they will make the Prop 8 ruling this coming Tuesday, May 26. HRC Backstory has a good analogy about the legal issues under consideration. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has promised equal benefits to same-sex partners of U.S. diplomatic corps employees stationed overseas, according to Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA),

Weekly Political Roundup

Another big week: President Obama “is under pressure to engage on a variety of gay issues that are coming to the fore” reports the New York Times. Perhaps obvious, but the article is a good summary of where things stand. Lawyer Emma Ruby-Sachs looks at the two lesbians who are under consideration for the U.S.

Whether You Like Gulls or Buoys, You Can Marry in Maine

What a week to be taking time away from blogging. I’m breaking my self-imposed absence, however, to pop in and say, “Go, Maine!” Governor John E. Baldacci today signed marriage equality into law. In the governor’s news release, he said, “In the past, I opposed gay marriage while supporting the idea of civil unions. I

Weekly Political Roundup

Another week of political milestones: The Hate Crimes Bill, aka the Matthew Shepard Act, aka the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, passed the House. It would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the categories covered by federal hate crimes laws. The bill now moves to the Senate. President Obama has expressed his

New Hampshire Lawmakers Seek to Clarify Adoption Law

Several New Hampshire lawmakers are sponsoring a bill to clarify the state’s policies on adoption by same-sex couples, and explicitly permit it in all 10 counties. Currently, adoption law allows a married couple or an unmarried adult to adopt. It does not specifically permit or deny it to two committed unmarried adults. This means that

Weekly Political Roundup

Some good, some bad, and some ugly this week: The federal First Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on March 7 in Cook v. Gates (formerly Cook v. Rumsfeld [Ha! -Ed.]), a constitutional challenge to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on LGB service members. Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also

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