new jersey

Egg and sperm

Needles, New Jersey, and New Families

There’s a recent AP news story going around about a “new twist” on baby making for two-mom couples. Thing is, it’s not so new — it’s the method my spouse and I used 11 years ago to start our family, with her carrying an embryo made from my egg and donor sperm. It seemed doubly appropriate to mention it again today because we started our family in New Jersey — and as of yesterday, same-sex couples in New Jersey can legally wed. We’re happy to be celebrating as former New Jerseyans.

Moms Motivate Marriage Moves

Last week saw more moves towards marriage equality, and once again, lesbian moms were in the forefront.

Weekly Political Roundup

A weekly summary of LGBT political news highlights for busy parents. Freedom to Marry has launched Mayors for the Freedom to Marry, a bipartisan coalition of over 80 mayors who have pledged to support marriage for same-sex couples. Indiana has begun to issue a license plate designed to raise awareness about LGBT youth issues—the first

Weekly Political Roundup

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and 132 other Democrats filed an amicus brief in Massachusetts v. Dept. of Health and Human Services and Gill vs. Office of Personnel Management, asking the First Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a lower court ruling that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. Seventy Massachusetts and national employers

College Basketball Star Praises Lesbian Moms

For your pre-weekend reading, has an interview with Morehead State University basketball star Kenneth Faried, who talks about the influence of his two moms, one of whom is battling lupus. “When they got married,” he said, “that showed me what commitment is all about, that there are people out there that can commit, even

Weekly Political Roundup

Another slow summer week, but a few items of note: Eight members of the LGBT activist organization GetEqual were arrested during a sit-in at the U.S. Capitol. They held the event in order to get House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to take a vote on the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA). The New Jersey Supreme Court declined

Weekly Political Roundup

National Guard Lt. Dan Choi and former Army Capt. Jim Pietrangelo were arrested Thursday after chaining themselves to the White House fence to protest Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). Pietrangelo was discharged under DADT in 2004, and Choi is in the process of being discharged under it now. Also arrested was activist Robin McGehee of

Weekly Political Update

Army National Guard Lt. Dan Choi, who faces dismissal under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, is back training with his unit. The U.S. Health and Human Services Department and the Administration on Aging have awarded Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE) a three-year, $900,000 grant to create the nation’s only national

Weekly Political Roundup

Amanda Simpson started work as as Senior Technical Advisor in the Bureau of Industry and Security, becoming one of the first transgender people to receive a presidential appointment to an executive branch post. Dylan Orr, who began work in December as Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of Labor Kathleen Martinez, was the first. California Assemblyman

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