new york

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 53

Over a glass of holiday “vlog nog,” Helen and I take a detour from parenting talk to examine an article in the latest issue of Cosmo titled, “Angelina Did it. So Did Lindsay. What It’s Like to Love a Girl.” We also note the strange convergence of Cosmo fashion trends and lesbian style. Moving back […]

New York Recognizes Non-Bio Parents

Nothing like a woman about to have a baby to spur people into action. New York State officials have been pondering the many ways they need to carry out Gov. David Paterson’s directive that state agencies respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples. New York residents Carolyn Trzeciak and Nina Sheldon Trzeciak, who married in Canada

Cynthia Nixon on Marriage Equality and Stepparenting

It’s been a weekend of protests for the LGBT community. The New York Times, among other places covered them, as did most LGBT news channels. Pick your favorite; I won’t list them all here. Instead, I’m going to highlight the interview that actor and lesbian mom Cynthia Nixon did on Friday with Joy Behar, who

Bronx Queer

Which New York City borough has the highest percentage same-sex families with children? Those who know a bit about New York’s LGBT population might guess Manhattan, with traditional gay meccas Greenwich Village and Chelsea, or Brooklyn, with lesbian-filled Park Slope. According to a new report by the Williams Institute at UCLA, however, forty-nine percent of

Weekly Political Roundup

The ACLU launched Get Busy, Get Equal, a toolkit building and protecting the rights of LGBT people. ExxonMobil shareholders voted down a resolution to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the company’s non-discrimination statement. Before Exxon and Mobil merged in 1999, Mobil had provided these protections to gay employees and benefits to their same-sex

New York Recognizes Massachusetts Marriages; Still Opposed to Red Sox

New York Gov. David A. Paterson has told all state agencies that marriages of same-sex couples from other jurisdictions “should be afforded the same recognition as any other legally performed union.” He failed, however, in his attempt to make all couples wearing Red Sox paraphernalia don pinstripes before being recognized, after a strongly worded memo

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