nonbiological/nongestational parents

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Family Creation The American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause (SRM) e-journal has an article explaining, “What are the reproductive options when a same-sex couple wants a family?“ Law The New York Law Journal tells us, “Creative Parenting Agreements Still Needed With Same-Sex Marriage,” reminding us why second-parent adoptions are still needed even […]

LGBT Parenting Roundup

I’ll start off my first post-vacation roundup with a few summer stories of interest: An Australian court ruled that a nonbiological mother had the right to have her name on the birth certificate of the child she had with her former partner, and that the sperm donor had no parental rights. California Governor Jerry Brown

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Adoption This Is Lincolnshire gives an overview of adoption by same-sex couples in the U.K. Apparently, there has been a 50 per cent increase in adoption by same-sex couples during the last six years, and they adopt 1 in 20 adoptive children. (Joint adoption by same-sex couples only became legal six years ago, however, so

Two Moms, a Child’s Ill Heart, and Changing Hearts

If you read one story about lesbian moms today, make it this one from RH Reality Check, by Jaime Jenett. Jenett writes from her perspective as the nonbiological mother of a critically ill child, and says, “policies designed to prevent same sex families from having legal protections took on a whole new meaning for me”

Heartbreaking Story of Youth Lost to Violence, and His Two Moms

At a time when our community is already grieving too many of its young people, here is another story to break your heart. Frankie Valencia, Jr. was randomly shot by a gang member in Chicago last fall. As if that wasn’t tragic enough, his non-biological mother, Siu Moy, was fired from her job after his

Victory for Lesbian Mom in Ohio: Marriage Ban Does Not Block Child Custody

Add another court victory to the recent Prop 8 and DOMA wins. The Eighth District Court of Appeals in Ohio last week rejected an attempt to use the state’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage to prevent a lesbian mother from sharing custody of her children with her former partner. Lambda Legal, which represents Rita Goodman

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Here’s what’s been happening while we’ve been celebrating Memorial Day and Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Politics and Law “Ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller is rumored to have fled the country with the eight-year-old daughter she was supposed to turn over to the girl’s other mom, Janet Jenkins. Jenkins’ attorney Sarah Star said to the Associated

New Memoir Highlights Nonbiological Motherhood

(Originally published as my Mombian newspaper column.) Amie Klempnauer Miller and her partner Jane, “fully endowed with the lesbian love of process,” spent 10 of their first 18 years together talking about whether to become parents. Once they did, they spent another two years trying to get Miller pregnant before they decided that Jane might

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Entertainment It’s a bonus entertainment week: Autostraddle has compiled a collection of celebrities with two moms. Brent Hartinger at After Elton discusses the increasing number of gay dads on television, and the increasingly varied ways they are forming their fictional families. Law & Order recently ran an episode featuring a lesbian heiress who adopted her

New York Custody Ruling Not What It May Seem

New York’s highest court ruled this week in a custody case that gave a non-biological mom the right to seek custody and visitation of the child she and her former partner had created and raised together. Great, right? Yes, for that one mom. But the court said the non-biological mother only had that right because

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