
Weekly Political Roundup

President Obama extended certain benefits to the domestic partners of federal employees that are available to the opposite-sex spouses of employees. They do not include health insurance or retirement benefits, however. You’ve probably heard by now that President Obama has issued a proclamation for Pride Month. Here’s my more in-depth piece looking at how his […]

Boston Pride 2009: The Mombian View

Here are a few select photos from this year’s Boston Pride, with a focus on family matters. Unfortunately, I got there too late to see most of the school groups that marched, since I was running over from Cambridge where I’d been covering the mayor’s annual Pride Brunch, but you can see last year’s set

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 34

Helen and I talk about Family Outing, the funny, raunchy new memoir by a man whose mother was outed to him by her ex-girlfriend when he was 10 years old. (Not the recommended way of doing things, might I add.) We also share more highlights of our recent vacation to California, including San Francisco Pride’s

Signs of the Times: Boston Pride

A Mombian look at Boston Pride 2008: Sure, there were drag queens and dykes on bikes, too, but I think they were outnumbered by the schools and church groups. Not that that’s necessarily good or bad; just a sign of change. Besides, I’m sure no small number of them had children in the schools and

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