reproductive rights

Reproductive Rights Are Queer Rights

The recent move by Alabama that criminalizes abortions from the moment of conception brings troubling concerns in many areas, including assisted reproduction, even for those who want to gestate a child.


Queer Families and Reproductive Rights

While IVF has become an important part of LGBTQ family creation, we should be careful not to equate the two. At the same time, we need to realize that current threats to reproductive health care could impact the LGBTQ community as much as any other.

Pro-Choice Means Having Choices

When Ilyse Hogue, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America, announced that she was pregnant, anti-choice activists reacted with surprise, as if being in favor of abortion rights meant being anti-pregnancy. RH Reality Check responded in turn with the Tumblr Pregnant, Parenting, and Pro-Choice, showing that the three can and do co-exist. Here’s my contribution—share yours.

Why I’m Writing a Blog for Choice

Today marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which also makes it the annual Blog for Choice day. The organizers have asked us to share our stories about why we are pro-choice. Here’s mine.

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