she got me pregnant

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 110

Helen and I discuss the delightful geekiness of the new Lego Harry Potter Wii game. I also share a book about being a nonbiological mother—and we then discuss why the bio/nonbio distinction doesn’t fit for us, even though we did not adopt. Helen also shares a book that she hopes will help her figure out […]

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 109

Helen and I discuss how we can’t believe we now have a seven-year-old, and why our son’s birthday party means coming out to new neighbors. We also share the adventures in pond life around our house and how teaching science to kids doesn’t necessarily mean knowing the difference between a pollywog and a tadpole. (If

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 108

Helen and I discuss out wild domestic lifestyle of camping, gardening, and playing video games with our son. What lessons can such activities teach kids? (If the embedded video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.) Brought to you in partnership with After Ellen.

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 107

I’m vlogging solo this week—Helen is away on business again, but I’ll carry on without her. Because the 5th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day is coming up on June 1, and I’m all about getting the word out, I invite viewers to participate. I also share brand new works by authors of some of

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 106

Helen’s back with me this week! We display our Mothers’ Day crowns and talk about how we celebrated with our son, as well as how his school dealt with the occasion. Plus: Does family bonding through technology really work? (If the embedded video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.) Brought to you

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 105

I’m missing Helen, who is away on business this week, but I use it as an excuse to discuss being away from one’s kids. And because Mother’s Day is coming up, I review a bunch of books and videos about LGBT parenting that would make great gifts. (If the embedded video above doesn’t work for

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 103

Helen and I celebrate our 17th anniversary this week and wonder how we made it. We also discuss a new way of thinking about kids and rules and try (perhaps in vain) to plan for when our child becomes a teen. Plus: a look at how parenthood changed Ricky Martin. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 102

Helen and I look at several Showtime hits and ask: “Who’s a better mother: Jackie Peyton, Tara Gregson, or Nancy Botwin?” We also share what President Obama wrote to our son about health care reform, and I discuss my own early experience writing to the White House. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-25-2010 Uploaded by

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 101

Helen and I bring you the Nature Edition of our vlog this week, with a look at what we’ve been doing outdoors with our son as the weather turns slightly warmer. This leads us to a discussion of science, education policy, and what happens when life imitates video games. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-11-10

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 100

Helen and I take an Olympian approach to our 100th vlog. After watching the Olympics non-stop for two weeks, we bring you the “Top Ten Reasons Parenting Is Like the Olympics” (and not just because it’s like sliding down an icy track at 90 miles per hour). Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-04-10 by drudolph

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