
One Year Since DADT Repeal; Lesbian and Gay Parent Servicemembers Tell Their Stories

Today marks one year since the repeal of the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy forbidding lesbians and gay men from serving openly. That was, without a doubt, one of the biggest steps towards LGBT equality in our history—but LGBT servicemembers still do not have equal rights. LGBT parents in the military are among those continuing to tell their stories and inspire change.

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Military Same-Sex Parents Write About Ongoing Inequalities

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” may be gone, but the inequalities linger for married and partnered servicemembers, including those with children. Several of these families are telling their stories through letters they have written to Congress, as part of a new campaign from the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) and OutServe.

Weekly Political Roundup

First, a happy Veterans Day to all of you, including my spouse, who have served or are serving in our country’s armed forces. The observance this year is, of course, the first one at which gay and lesbian servicemembers can celebrate openly with their families. Over at the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, Col. E. A.

Lesbian Moms Among Plaintiffs in Servicemembers’ Lawsuit Against DOMA

This morning, eight current and former members of the U.S. armed services filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and “seeking equal recognition, benefits and family support for equal sacrifice and service in the U.S. Armed Forces.” Three of the plaintiffs are lesbian moms, including lead plaintiff, Major Shannon L.

Weekly Political Roundup

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network released a legal guide for “LGBT service members, veterans, future recruits, and their families,” with an overview of laws and policies related to military service following the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It includes quite a bit of information related to benefits for children of servicemembers, as well as benefits

Weekly Political Roundup

U.S. National News The White House has issued a statement of President Barack Obama’s position on marriage equality referenda in Maine and Washington. The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which would extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, flew through its Senate hearing.The similar bill House bill has already passed out of committee.

On Memorial Day: Remembering LGBT Military Families

In honor of Memorial Day, let me draw your attention to this post on the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network blog, written by the daughter of a lesbian servicemember. Among other things, she asserts, “No child should have to lie about their family just to ensure they have a roof over their head.” Hear, hear. When
