
Queer Stepfamilies: The Path to Social and Legal Recognition

“Queer Stepfamilies” Shows “Our Families Exist”

Much previous research on queer parents and our children has focused on intact queer families (mostly with gay male or lesbian parents) formed through adoption or assisted reproduction, including surrogacy. Less attention has been paid to queer families formed when one or both parents had children from a previous relationship of any kind, or had started their family as a single parent before partnering. A new book on queer stepfamilies helps to remedy that.


Lesbian/Bi Women in Stepparent Households Wanted for Study

Are you a woman raising a child/children in a same-sex relationship where one of you had the child(ren) in a previous opposite-sex relationship and the other is a stepparent? Katie Acosta, an assistant professor of sociology at Tulane University, wants you to take part in her new study of same-sex stepparents.

Cynthia Nixon’s Partner Won’t Get Parental Rights with Marriage

I wish Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni all the best with their just-announced marriage. Nixon is a high-profile mom and a great spokesperson for our community. She should talk with a lawyer, however. In her speech last week during a New York marriage equality rally, she announced her engagement and also asserted that Christine, the

Cynthia Nixon on Marriage Equality and Stepparenting

It’s been a weekend of protests for the LGBT community. The New York Times, among other places covered them, as did most LGBT news channels. Pick your favorite; I won’t list them all here. Instead, I’m going to highlight the interview that actor and lesbian mom Cynthia Nixon did on Friday with Joy Behar, who

Kentucky Forbids Same-Sex Stepparents

The Kentucky Court of Appeals ruled this week that adoptions by stepparents are allowed only when the stepparent is married to the child’s biological parent. In a catch-22, same-sex stepparents cannot therefore adopt because Kentucky has a constitutional amendment banning marriage of same-sex couples. The ruling holds regardless of whether the person was involved in

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