
A Season of Thanks

It is supposed to be a time to give thanks, but the news is getting grim. Papers are carrying stories about children of same-sex parents worried that their families will fall apart in the wake of California’s Prop 8, and children who fear the Arkansas ban on unmarried foster and adoptive parents will mean they […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy early Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating it tomorrow. Posting will be light for the rest of the week as I plan to spend it in a tryptophan-induced haze. If you want to get a jump on your holiday shopping, and like me, try to avoid anything within a five-mile radius of a mall

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 50

Helen and I celebrate our 50th vlog this week with a big thank you to viewers. In a seasonal vein, we offer some tips on juggling kids and turkeys to make Thanksgiving go more smoothly, and Helen shares her favorite Thanksgiving craft. We then respond to a timely viewer question about whether to bring children

What’s Cooking?

Iron Chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora, in an interview with the Food Gal, has spoken out against Prop 8. She also mentions that she and her partner Jen Cora are expecting their third child in April. Congratulations! (Thanks, After Ellen.) This is as good an excuse as any to move from politics to domestic

Gay Pilgrims’ Progress

I don’t often post about purely local events, but since this one has ties to national history, here goes: Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts, the site of the first Thanksgiving, will host “Out at Plimoth Plantation” on September 13. The event will “offer a glimpse into the lives of 17th century LGBT pilgrims and Native Americans,”


Seasonal Thoughts on the Evolving Family

Thanksgiving and the pending winter holidays are for most of us a time to be with family. As we enter into this season of love and light and kinship, it seems appropriate to reflect on the changes propagating through society’s traditional view of families.

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