

Gay, Lesbian, Straight Adoptive Families More Similar Than Different

A new study from the U.K. found that gay and lesbian adoptive families are as successful as straight ones—another piece of “we could have told you that” research, perhaps, but nevertheless invaluable for convincing those who need further convincing about these things.

Post of the Week: “What’s In a Name?”

Lauren and Sarah of Two Brides to Two Mummies ask “What’s In a Name?”

Like the Bard who first posed that question, they live in England. They are hoping to add a child to their home in Birmingham, and are planning to marry (legally, have a civil partnership) next year. While their post is not about parenting specifically, it raises an issue that I think many lesbian couples ponder, especially if they are considering children: Do you choose a common last name, and if so, what?

Raising Hell: The Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents

Last week I discussed the film Mom’s Apple Pie, which documented the role of lesbian moms in the early LGBT rights movement (and is now out on home video). Now comes word of Raising Hell, a half-hour documentary by Ed Webb-Ingall that profiles the experiences of the young adult and adult children of lesbian and

Weekly Political Update

A vote on the Matthew Shepard Act, which would extend current hate crimes laws to cover sexual orientation, gender identity, and physical disability, was delayed when the Senate suspended debate on the Defense Authorization bill to which it was attached. HRC reports that a vote on hate crimes may not occur before Congress adjourns for

Weekly Political Roundup

Some good, some bad, and some ugly this week: The federal First Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on March 7 in Cook v. Gates (formerly Cook v. Rumsfeld [Ha! -Ed.]), a constitutional challenge to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on LGB service members. Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also

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