u.s. supreme court


Queer Families and Reproductive Rights

While IVF has become an important part of LGBTQ family creation, we should be careful not to equate the two. At the same time, we need to realize that current threats to reproductive health care could impact the LGBTQ community as much as any other.

Chocolate Cherry Cake

This Takes the Cake

The picture here shows a delicious chocolate cake. Here’s the recipe—the recipe is about the cake. The case being heard at the U.S. Supreme Court today, however, despite having cake in its name, is not really about the cake, but about our civil rights.

Scales of Justice

Let’s Get Judgy

I’m thinking about courts this week, as a few recent court cases have involved same-sex parents and our right to be recognized as parents, as well as the right of same-sex couples (with or without kids) to gain the benefits of marriage. Luckily, things seem to be (mostly) in our favor.

Wedding Cake

Flour Power

In one of my son’s favorite video games, an artificial intelligence system promises the player cake if she completes various challenges. As the player proceeds through the game, however, she finds graffiti claiming “The cake is a lie,” and it becomes clear that the AI is stringing her along with malicious intent. The Trump administration has similarly revealed the lie of its promised friendship—its “cake”—to the LGBTQ community. (Remember the image of then-candidate Trump holding a rainbow flag at a rally almost exactly a year ago?) Fittingly, the latest confirmation of the administration’s true intent revolves around actual cake.

Gavin Grimm

Court Compares Gavin Grimm to Human Rights Icons

Federal judges today issued an eloquent memo praising Gavin Grimm, the transgender teen boy who has been fighting for equal access to the boys’ restroom in his school, comparing him to past civil rights icons, even as they said they would not expedite his case.

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