September 2005

Starbucks Promoting Homosexual Agenda

Several conservative groups are pushing an anti-Starbucks campaign because of an objectionable quote on its coffee cups, reports. The quote in question is from Armistead Maupin, author of the gay-themed Tales of the City. It’s apparently part of a horrible secret agenda to promote literacy and cultural awareness while one sips a latte. Baylor […]

Fall Family Fun

OK, enough political posts. It’s September already, and will be fall next week Hard to believe–I think kids warp time so it runs faster around them. Here are a few useful sites for some fall activities with your family: is a state-by-state listing of pick-your-own farms, along with recipes and more. The Stormfax Guide

Massachusetts Legislature Rejects Same-Sex Marriage Ban

As expected, the Massachusetts Legislature yesterday rejected a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would have halted same-sex marriages in the state. Opponents are pushing for a new amendment, however, that would not only prevent same-sex marriages, but also forbid civil unions. The battle is won, but not the war. If you live in

Political Birds

The New York Times reports today that many conservatives have taken the family lives of penguins, depicted in the blockbuster documentary March of the Penguins, as affirming “traditional norms,” and proof of “intelligent design.” Funny how these same conservatives seem to be ignoring examples of same-sex pairs among swans and other animals, including penguins. La

Same-Sex Marriage to Stay Legal in Massachusetts

The Associated Press reports that support has fallen apart for an amendment to ban same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. The official vote on the matter is scheduled for tomorrow. Phew. Won’t have to return the china after all.

9/11/2001 Remembered

Four years ago today. For many of us, one of the most vivid moments of our lives, still remembered in all its intensity. And yet . . . it seems an eternity ago that we were living without the constant hum of threat, without the extra layer of fear when we fly, without the added

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day is always the Sunday after Labor Day, which makes it this coming Sunday, September 11. In honor of this, the U. S. Census has put out some interesting facts and figures about grandparents in the U. S. I’m guessing they’re not counting same-sex grandparent households, but it’s hard to tell; the 2000 U. S.

Referendums on Same-Sex Marriage

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced he will veto the same-sex marriage legislation recently approved by the California legislature. Based on a California referendum in 2000, which passed a proposition defining marriage as between a man and a woman, Schwarzenegger says the issue should be decided by the courts or the voters, not by legislation.

California Assembly Approves Same-Sex Marriage

Following the California Senate, which voted last week, the California Assembly approved a measure to allow same-sex couples to marry in California. This is the first time a legislature has voted to endorse same-sex marriage. (It was a judicial decision in Massachusetts.) The measure passed after a heated debate, and now goes to Governor Arnold

Schoolwork Boosters

Ah, September. For me, September, more than January, was always the start of the new year. I’m still a recovering academic, so I may need to go out and buy some new pencils and a notebook just to curb the shaking. For those of you with kids going back to school, here are a few

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