Should We Forbid Children to All But Married Couples?

That’s the very tongue-in-cheek premise of a scathing article in the Hartford Courant, in response to a request by the conservative Family Institute of Connecticut to weigh in on same-sex marriage before the state Supreme Court. The Institute claims that children are “disadvantaged” living in same-sex households, and thus same-sex couples shouldn’t be allowed to marry. The Courant asks whether we should at least permit marriage for same-sex couples who don’t have or want kids.

They go on to suggest the flip side: that we require any unwed or divorced parents to give up their children until they find an opposite-sex partner. A widow or widower with young children should “find a partner or turn them over to the state.”

It’s a nice short piece highlighting the ridiculousness of the Family Institute’s arguments, but also raises the spectre (as I’ve mentioned before) of what could happen to both straight and LGBT couples and families if such groups get their way. It’s not just a “gay issue.” It’s an issue of who defines your family, you or the state, as represented by an ultra-conservative constituency. Talk to your straight friends and relatives. Make them understand. Ask them to vote.

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