Why Straight People Should Support LGBT Rights

An unmarried straight couple with three children in Missouri face eviction because of a city ordinance that prohibits more than three people from living together if they are unrelated by blood, marriage, or adoption, Blogging Baby reports.

This is a great example of why even straight couples should be very wary of supporting anti-gay-marriage legislation. In some states, as many of you know, it is worded such that it would legally deny recognition to any unmarried couple, straight or gay. For example, the Kansas constitution now reads: “No relationship, other than a marriage, shall be recognized by the state as entitling the parties to the rights or incidents of marriage.”

Missouri’s anti-gay-marriage law does not seem quite so restrictive (though I’m no lawyer), banning it among same-sex couples but not denying recognition to other non-marital relationships. Still, the point holds. Claiming there is only one type of “right” relationship hurts us all.

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