New Test May Help Time Inductions

Pregnant WomanIn at least one hospital, more pregnant women than usual were scheduling inductions yesterday, trying to avoid giving birth on today’s date of 6/6/06. They fear the date corresponds to 666, the number of the beast, or Antichrist, in Revelations 13:18.

It’s fitting then, that there’s news today of a new test that may more easily detect if a woman is ready to be induced. If a woman’s body is not yet preparing for natural labor, doctors say, induction may result in a longer labor ending in a C-section. Despite this, the number of women having inductions has more than doubled since 1989. Many are done for valid medical reasons, but an increasing number are elective.

Some doctors say a negative result from the test, indicating a woman’s body was not yet preparing for natural labor, would cause them to think twice before inducing. Others caution that the test gives more false positives than false negatives, so a positive result should not be seen as an automatic OK to induce.

The new test is under review by the Food and Drug Administration. As always, consult your own medical professional on such matters.

Personally, I’m glad my birthday is tomorrow, not today. Don’t have to worry about locusts at my party.

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