June 2006

Pregnant Women Warned to Avoid Canned Tuna

Pregnant women should avoid all canned tuna, Consumer Reports magazine warned this week, citing potentially high levels of mercury. The Food and Drug Administration, on the other hand, says the average amount of mercury in light tuna is still within acceptable limits. Consumer Reports counters that although average amounts in light tuna may be low,

Ontario Rules Lesbian Moms Can Both Be On Birth Record

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled yesterday that lesbian moms using anonymous donor sperm can both be registered as parents on their child’s birth record, without the non-bio mom needing to adopt. The judge gave the Ontario government 12 months to change the law. This may not be the last word on the matter,

Victory Against the Federal Marriage Amendment

The U. S. Senate voted 49-48 today to kill the Federal Marriage Amendment. Seven Republicans joined 41 Democrats to invoke cloture, a motion (known to fans of The West Wing) to end debate on the proposal and not bring it to a full vote. (Eleven more votes would have been needed to move to a

k. d. Reintarnated

Speaking of entertainment that we consider “part of our personal LGBT experience,” k. d. lang has a new album that’s been out for just over a month. Reintarnation is a compilation of 19 songs from the first ten years of her career, plus one previously unreleased track. I’m not generally a country-western fan, but k.

Russ Feingold Sticks It

When my partner and I first met, in Madison, Wisconsin, she drove an elderly Honda Civic sporting a bumper sticker for Russ Feingold’s first U. S. Senate campaign. The sticker covered a rather large rust hole, but I figured she would have used non-partisan duct tape if she didn’t also want to make a political

Words from Our Allies

Many straight allies submitted entries to Blogging for LGBT Families Day, proving once again that LGBT rights is not merely an interest-group issue. (Unless, of course, you count all those in favor of equality an interest group.) Here are some extracts: “I am a heterosexual, ten-years-married mother of two who cannot understand how anyone’s loving,

New Test May Help Time Inductions

In at least one hospital, more pregnant women than usual were scheduling inductions yesterday, trying to avoid giving birth on today’s date of 6/6/06. They fear the date corresponds to 666, the number of the beast, or Antichrist, in Revelations 13:18. It’s fitting then, that there’s news today of a new test that may more

Whose LGBT Experience Are We Talking About?

The June 20th Advocate features results of a reader survey about “experiences as LGBT Americans.” One item looked at entertainment that readers considered “part of their personal LGBT experience,” and listed Queer as Folk, The L Word, Madonna, Cher, Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, and Christina Aguilera as possible answers. Yeah, right. I saw Judy Garland

The Activist Parent

For me, one of the great pleasures from Blogging for LGBT Families Day has been reading posts that make me think. Matt over at The Q-Triad Blog wrote something that seems particularly appropriate today, as all the major (and many minor) American LGBT Web sites are urging us to contact our senators and stop the

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