HRC Redesigns Site, Adds Resources

HRCThe Human Rights Campaign launched a redesigned Web site this week, going for a cleaner, bolder look, with news items front and center. It’s more, well, blog-like. Truth be told, I kind of miss the organization by issue—work, family, community, coming out—that they used to have. These topics are still there, in a “Hot Issues” dropdown on the side, but aren’t quite as central. Maybe it’s a good thing, though, that people are coming to HRC for daily news, and not just resources when they have a problem or specific concern.

Some sections of the site, including portions of the HRC Family Project, are still in the process of switching over to the new design. Having worked on Web site redesigns myself a number of times, I appreciate the time it takes to convert an entire site to a new look and feel. I applaud HRC for working continuously to improve their site and keep it fresh. Some other LGBT organizations could take a lesson from this. We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re obsessively online. Fresh, well organized content will drive traffic and concomitant donations. (Even HRC isn’t perfect in this regard, though. Their Elections page still highlights the 2004 congressional elections.)

New content includes an updated Coming Out resource guide and a new section titled “Justice for All: The Importance of a Fair and Balanced Judiciary to the GLBT Community.” Check it out, if you’re interested.

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