Ways to Avoid Domestic Boredom

There’s been some buzz around the blogosphere today about moms who are either bored by their children, or (less controversially) by the domestic tasks accompanying motherhood. Both Blogging Baby and MotherTalkers already have good comment threads going on the subject (and opinions are strong), so I thought I’d take a different approach, and share some ideas for avoiding boredom with domestic tasks.

  • Engage your children in household chores. You’d be surprised how early you can do this—pretty much as soon as they can walk. Having your non-boring child help with boring chores is one of the best ways to make an old task seem new. Play train as you drag the laundry basket down the hall; play basketball as you shoot the clothes into the washer. Have them help in the kitchen. This takes more time than doing it yourself, but it’s a whole lot more fun.
  • Start a blog. If it’s not about motherhood, then you’ll have an excuse to think about something else during naptimes and in the evening. If it is about motherhood, then every domestic chore becomes blog fodder. View them as a reporter, not as a worker. Find points of broad interest. Find funny angles.
  • Switch tasks with your partner once in a while. If you usually cook and she cleans up, have her cook one night. A change in perspective can fend off boredom.
  • Find a new way to organize your tasks. Lifehacker is full of good ideas for time management, electronic to-do managers and other productivity tips. While much of it is geared towards those employed outside the home, a lot is applicable to stay-at-homes as well. More organization means less time spent.
  • Take a day off. The world won’t end if you don’t do laundry for a day (though I recommend making sure you have an extra pair of underwear first). Take your child to the park, do a special art project, or find something else you enjoy doing together. Step away from the clutter and remember that parenting isn’t about how many loads of laundry you do, but about how many games you play, books you read, and birds you see together.

3 thoughts on “Ways to Avoid Domestic Boredom”

  1. Hi,
    Thanks for the blog, I love it. So, as I was checking my morning staples, (your blog is one). I did a total double take when I read the “switch tasks with your partner” part, when it said let her (instead of him) do the clean up. I thought, that must’ve been a misprint (forgeting that I was actually on a lesbian blog) Wow, it felt so good to not be translating from hetero for once. Thanks for making me feel less isolated this morning!

  2. You’re very welcome! Thank you for the nice comments. You’ve hit on exactly what I’m trying to achieve with Mombian–a site that’s about motherhood/parenting as much as "lesbian" issues per se (marriage equality, The L Word, etc.), but which always puts the mom stuff in the context of a lesbian perspective. I’m glad it’s working.

  3. I so appreciated your take on the “are you bored with your kids” thing. I’ve seen so many jump right in to rip this person or people totally apart. I love a response that doesn’t need to demean someone else to contribute positively to the discussion. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!

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