July 2006

Travel Preparation Advice for Parents

Summer is prime travel time here in the U. S. Travel—especially with kids—always goes more smoothly with a little advance planning. Here’s some advice that may help: The American Academy of Pediatrics has a good list of travel safety tips. If you’re a U. S. citizen traveling abroad, remember that all children, even infants, must […]

Norman the Mooing Puppy

A dog that moos? Norman the puppy doesn’t know why. He was just Born Different. This great new awareness campaign from the Denver-based Gill Foundation uses a light touch to get people thinking about the nature of sexual orientation. While the ads are aimed at adults, kids old enough to understand what sexual orientation is

New York Ruling Is Good Because It’s Bad

The New York Court of Appeals ruling against same-sex marriage has one thing going for it, argues Evan Wolfson on Advocate.com. The Executive Director of Freedom to Marry says that because it’s based on the same tired arguments we’ve been hearing for years, and ignores the majority of medical and social evidence about children of

C Is for Cookie

My son, like most preschoolers I know, goes through phases with his book, CD, and video interests. For the past few days, his video of choice has been Sesame Street’s Learning About Letters. I love this video. I was part of the first generation of children to grow up with Sesame Street, and many of


One in an occasional series of travel essays for families with kids: When most Americans think of our National Park Service (NPS), we have visions of forests and mountains, rivers and seashores. Not 1.2 million pounds of iron and steel churning out 6200 horsepower, capable of hauling 120 freight cars over mountains at 40 miles

Mauresmo and Marriage

No, Amélie Mauresmo is not, to my knowledge, getting married. Her victory at Wimbledon yesterday, however, offers a lesson for those of us feeling dispirited after the same-sex marriage setbacks in New York and Georgia last week. In the final against Justine Henin-Hardenne, Mauresmo lost the first set, but pulled off the next two to

Giant Panda Receives Giant Fruitsicle

Tai Shan, the U. S. National Zoo’s giant panda cub, celebrates his first birthday today. What do you give a 56-pound cub for his birthday? Tai Shan got a giant fruitsicle, a new soccer ball, and several other toys. If you have animal-loving kids, make sure they check out the live Panda Cam to see

Lesbians, Tennis, and Inspiration

Some cheery news to counteract the political gloom this week. Out lesbian Amélie Mauresmo will contend for her first Wimbledon championship tomorrow, against Justine Henin-Hardenne. Mauresmo won their last Grand Slam final matchup, this year’s Australian Open, when Henin-Hardenne withdrew because of stomach illness. I’ll probably root for Mauresmo because she’s a member of our

Weekly Political Roundup

I wrote at length yesterday of the disappointing New York same-sex marriage ruling. One new development is that lawyers in Massachusetts are now saying the ruling effectively prohibits New York same-sex couples from marrying in Massachusetts. Massachusetts law prevents out-of-state couples from marrying there if their home state does not permit their marriage. I’m no

American Academy of Pediatrics Says Marriage Equality Will Strengthen LGBT Families

Terrance at the Republic of T points out the incongruity between today’s New York State Court of Appeals ruling and the American Academy of Pediatrics statement this week on children in same-sex families: There is ample evidence to show that children raised by same-gender parents fare as well as those raised by heterosexual parents. More

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