Mac-and-Cheese Off

Macaroni and CheeseThere must be something in the air. After posting about ramen noodles last night, I was delighted to discover that Kalyn at BlogHer had posted about my other grad-school and motherhood go-to food, macaroni and cheese. Food bloggers Cookiecrumb and Kevin hosted the “Only Annual Mac-and-Cheese Off” last Friday. Follow the comments on their posts to find participating bloggers and recipes, or see Kalyn’s drool-inspiring compilation.

Lest you think I’m some kind of pasta freak, based on my last two posts, let me assure you we eat plenty of vegetables around here. I’ll be the first to admit there’s something awfully cute about a three-year-old saying “bok choy.” Still, there’s a time and a place for comfort food, and both mac-and-cheese and ramen are there for me.

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