February 2007

Hood Hack

It seems like I’m perpetually running late for my son’s playgroups, music classes, and doctor’s appointments. Winter is the worst time for this. I always find myself torn between not being late and taking the time to let him learn to put on his own shoes, jacket, and mittens. He can sometimes get his jacket […]

Freedom to Marry Week: Day Three

The second of my three key arguments for marriage equality is that it is a simple matter of equal rights. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are fundamental cornerstones of our democracy. All Americans should have the liberty to enter into a mutually agreed-upon marriage with whomever they choose, and to pursue marital happiness regardless

A Rose by Any Other Name Might Still Contain Toxic Chemicals

Sobering news for an otherwise festive holiday: The majority of cut roses sold in the U. S. were grown in Columbia, using harsh pesticides, according to the Associated Press. Industry workers, many of whom are single mothers, labor under often unsafe levels of chemicals, and many have become sick as a result. The AP also

Adoptive Parenting Study Supports All Same-Sex Parents

A new national study in this month’s American Sociological Review claims that “Adoptive parents invest more time and financial resources in their children than biological parents.” Indiana University sociologist Brian Powell, one of the study’s three co-authors, explains: One of the reasons adoptive parents invest more is that they really want children, and they go

Naps May Help Your Heart

I’m the parent of a young child, which means naps have been a stress-producing topic for me. Will my son nap? Won’t he? When will he? Has he given them up entirely? Now, a new study shows there’s a stress-reducing side to them as well. Adults who take at least three daytime naps a week

Freedom to Marry Week: Day Two

There are many reasons for supporting same-sex marriage, but to my mind, they all boil down to three basic arguments. I’ll be highlighting one each day this week (with a break on Wednesday for my Freedom to Marry Blog Carnival. Saturday, I’ll tackle why civil unions and domestic partnerships are not enough, though they may

E-mail New Jersey School District About Removal of Diversity Film

I wrote Friday about the Evesham School District of Marlton, New Jersey, which has bowed to pressure and decided to eliminate from its curriculum a diversity film that includes same-sex families. If you’re in another state (or even in NJ) and can’t make the Evesham School Board meeting tomorrow (see Friday’s post for details), you

Index-Card Necklace

All parents and caregivers should have a few quick and easy gimmicks up their sleeves to entertain children at a moment’s notice. Here’s a silly paper trick to balance out all the political posts I’ve been doing lately: 1. Fold an index card or similar piece of paper in half lengthwise. 2. Cut through both

Freedom to Marry Week: Day One

It’s the first day of Freedom to Marry Week, and I’m taking the suggestion of Kelly at O for Obsessive and posting something each day about marriage equality. (I’ll also have non-marriage related posts all week so things don’t get too monotonous.) I’ll start with a couple of posts about the Week itself: The folks

New Hampshire Lawmakers Seek to Clarify Adoption Law

Several New Hampshire lawmakers are sponsoring a bill to clarify the state’s policies on adoption by same-sex couples, and explicitly permit it in all 10 counties. Currently, adoption law allows a married couple or an unmarried adult to adopt. It does not specifically permit or deny it to two committed unmarried adults. This means that

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