Make a Cookie-Sheet Play Tablet

Cookie Sheet with Fridge MagnetsA quick idea for preschool amusement and learning: Take a metal cookie sheet or pizza pan, preferably with a small rim around the entire edge, and stick a number of fridge-magnet letters and numbers to it. It makes a great “tablet” for spelling and counting, especially during dinner prep when the fridge is unavailable for play. You could also use this when you travel, or as an activity for a child who is sick in bed.

Variations on the theme:

  • Use a wide, shallow holiday-cookie tin to give you both a flat surface (the lid) and a storage container.
  • Paint the tray with chalkboard paint to create a combination chalkboard and magnet board. (Haven’t tried this myself, but a friend recommends it. I’m guessing it works best on plain pans, not non-stick ones.)
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