Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Many Voices, Much Love

Blogging for LGBT Families DayI spent almost the entire weekend reading through the more than 140 posts contributed to this year’s Blogging for LGBT Families Day. (Yes, my own family will be glad to have me back when this is over.) Once again I am overwhelmed with the diversity, strength, and love of LGBT families and our allies. Thanks to all of you who participated through posts or promotion. I hope you use the event to discover new blogs, new perspectives, and perhaps new friends.

Participants included: lesbian moms (bio and non); gay dads; trans parents; single moms; adult children of LGBT parents; LGBT children of LGBT parents; straight allies with and without LGBT relatives; people of color; people with disabilities; adoptive, foster, and biological parents; lesbians pregnant and trying to conceive; gay men hoping to adopt; LGBT individuals and couples without children; parents of LGBT children; bloggers in Cambodia, Canada, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.; those who fit two or more of these categories; and others whom I may inadvertently have overlooked.

Over the next week or so, I will be highlighting some of the posts that especially caught my attention, and juxtaposing some that I think make good reading as a set.

I will also be starting a new “Family Voices” series that expands on this concept of sharing our experiences as parents and LGBT individuals. Starting Tuesday, through the summer, I will run an interview each week with a different family from the Family Pride Coalition’s OUTSpoken Families program. These families have undergone extensive training through Family Pride and have committed to speak to their local communities and media about their lives and the need for LGBT equality. I am pleased they have also agreed to share a bit of their lives here. Please come back tomorrow and read the first interview.

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