October 2007

It’s Elementary, 10 Years Later

(Originally published in Bay Windows, October 11, 2007.) “It definitely surprised me,” says director Debra Chasnoff of the decision by the Evesham, New Jersey school district to exclude her documentary That’s a Family from its curriculum, after a handful of parents objected to its inclusion of gay and lesbian families. In the film, elementary school […]

All of Us, Every One of Us

I’m posting below (with permission) an op-ed by Matt Foreman, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. In it, he brings us up to date with what NGLTF has been doing to push for a version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that includes protections for gender identity and expression. Not all

Parents and Children, Coming Out Together

Today is National Coming Out Day. Most of us who are LGBT have stories to tell—good, bad, exciting, or boring—about our own coming out. It’s something of a relationship marker, in fact. I know I’ve reached a certain level of friendship with someone when we start telling each other our coming out tales. Being a

Blog Action Day 2007

October 15 is Blog Action Day, a time for bloggers to unite in support of one issue for a single day. This year, the theme is “The Environment.” The event is similar in structure to the Blogging for LGBT Families Day I’ve held for the past two years in June. Just blog about the topic

New Site for LGBT Parents to Share Autism Spectrum Information

Lesbian mom April has just launched Rainbow Spectrum, a site for GLBTQ families to share information about autism spectrum disorders. It’s still in the early stages, but she’s hoping it will grow as word spreads. Here’s what she tells us: I started Rainbow Spectrum to address a need that our family has, namely to share

Family Pride Coalition Grows Into Family Equality Council

The Family Pride Coalition has today changed its name to the Family Equality Council (FEC) and launched a new Web site. Many of us are familiar with Family Pride from their work coordinating Family Week in Provincetown and organizing LGBT families to attend the White House Egg Roll. David Jacques, eCommunications Coordinator for FEC, below

How Wide Was the Stance on that Peacock?

First penguins, then swans and flamingos—now peacocks. A headline-making British baronet, Sir Benjamin Slade, claims his pet peacock is gay, causing the bird to claw a visitor’s Lexus in a fit of passion: “It started when he fell in love with this Lexus, which was in a very distinct peacock blue and looked like another

Family Voices XI

Continuing my Family Voices series with the second post by a member of COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere). Below, Jonathan shares a bit of his “lovably bizarre” family, talks about his experience as the son of a transgender father, and reminds us of the importance of keeping a sense of humor. Tell us

Victory for Same-Sex Families in Oregon

Some good news to start the week: By a mere 116 names, opponents of Oregon’s new same-sex domestic partnership law did not turn in enough valid signatures to suspend the measure and place it on the November 2008 ballot. This means the law will take effect next year, giving registered partners equal state rights related

Same-Sex Parents, Money, Marketing, and Influence

New studies from the Williams Institute at UCLA have shown that same-sex parents in Illinois, Michigan and Rhode Island have “significantly” lower average and median incomes than opposite-sex married parents in those states. (I’ve omitted exact numbers for ease of reading; you can find them in the original reports, however. Thanks to Gay Wired for

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