The Importance of Supportive Parents

Actor Candis Cayne plays one of the few transgender roles on primetime television (in ABC’s Dirty Sexy Money), and is transgender herself. ABC News has a profile on her today. What stands out for me in the article is Cayne’s description of her parents’ reaction when she came out as transgender:

“When I told my parents that I was starting my transition, my Dad said, ‘Well that makes so much more sense ’cause I never saw you any other way and now it totally works,'” she said.

“It was unbelievable. The second I told them they flew to New York and wanted to make sure I was OK. And they found out I was happier,” she added.

Now Cayne is raising a child with her fiance, Marco McDermott. I have a feeling she’ll do so with the same kind of acceptance her parents showed her, and her children will thrive because of it, just as she has. There are plenty of parents out there who could use such a lesson.

(Thanks to National Gay News for the link.)

1 thought on “The Importance of Supportive Parents”

  1. All I can say is, “Amen.” I feel so singularly blessed to have such genuinely supportive parents and siblings. I know how rare that is among trans people.

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