LGBT Parenting Roundup

A bevy of parenting-related articles, collected for your reading pleasure:

  • Miss Washington, Elyse Umemoto, one of the contenders for the Miss America title, stated on a pre-pageant reality show that she supports same-sex marriage because “she has both a mother and a stepfather . . . and a father and a stepfather,” as After Elton reports.
  • Jessica Cohn-Kleinberg, a daughter of lesbian moms, writes at “>Express Gay News of not getting a chance to talk during a Florida hearing on gay adoption, and notes “I am a good person — not despite the fact that my parents are gay but because my parents are gay. Growing up in a family that is a little different from normal has allowed me to be so much more tolerant and open minded.” She gives her take on the hearing, and concludes “I knew change was coming because I understood, there in that room, that there are too many voices screaming for justice now. And these voices are gaining volume by the minute, so before long they won’t be able to be ignored.”
  • The Salt Lake Tribune published a heartfelt letter from lesbian non-bio mom Trista (who blogs at An Accident of Hope), calling for the state to permit unmarried, co-habitating adults to adopt children.
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