Same-Sex Grandparents and the Long Arc of History

Same-sex parents inevitably lead to . . . not just “I love my mommies” t-shirts, but same-sex grandparents. Anndee Hochman of the Philadelphia Inquirer has a great article on gay and lesbian grandparents who are out and proud, despite having started their families, in some cases, in the early days of the LGBT-rights movement. The article even mentions one pair of lesbian grandparents who have a lesbian daughter. It says something about the changed perception of LGBT families that we are no longer so afraid to admit that some of us do have LGBT children. The old fear that LGBT parents always beget LGBT children no longer looms as large.

The article quotes Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of the Family Equality Council, who observes “Gay grandparents have a wisdom about how the world can change, and how people’s prejudices can be moved over time. They’ve seen the long arc of history.”

Take a break from watching the election results tonight, and go read.

(Thanks to the Gay and Lesbian Leadership SmartBrief.)

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