February 2008

What Do You Represent?

I love today’s XKCD comic: Two thoughts come to mind here, other than the obvious feminist point the author is making: How this attitude is reflected in some people’s reactions to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (substitute “women” or “blacks” for “girls”); How this attitude also applies to LGBT parents and our children, who […]

How Do You Explain the President?

No, not W., although I do think we need an explanation of how someone who can’t say “nuclear” correctly made it to the Oval Office. How do you explain the president to young children? We’ve been telling our preschooler “The president is the person the people in our country choose to help lead the country.”

Weekly Political Roundup

Arizona Senator Paula Aboud (D-Tucson) said her state should extend marriage benefits to same-sex couples. She is a sponsor of a domestic partnership bill that would give registered domestic partners the same rights as married couples, regardless of their sexual orientation. The bill is not yet scheduled for a committee hearing. Two conservative groups in

Shooting and Singing

Lawrence King, a 15-year-old eighth grader, was declared brain dead after being shot by a fellow student in what police are calling a hate crime. King was gay and often came to school in feminine clothing and makeup. This churns my stomach. I don’t need to tell readers here of the pervasiveness of anti-LGBT bullying

Some/thing Blue

For my third contribution to Robin Reagler’s blog carnival, here’s Some/thing Blue: the Web site of Donor Home Delivery. A reader wrote to ask if I knew anything about this company. The Web site says it helps couples with distant known donors ship sperm safely from one place to another, ensconced in a “test yolk

Rainbow List Chair Talks About LGBT-Themed Children’s Books

A few weeks ago, I wrote of the American Library Association’s new Rainbow List of LGBT-themed children’s books. School Library Journal this week has an interview with retired school librarian Nel Ward, the Rainbow Project’s chair. She talks about the process of choosing books for the list, how LGBT books have changed over the past

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 15

In our vlog this week, Helen and I wonder if ABC’s Cashmere Mafia has not one, but two, lesbian pregnancies up its oh-so-fashionable (but thankfully turkey-baster-free) sleeve. We also discuss The L Word’s portrayal of an older daughter dealing with a mom’s coming out, the newly domestic Bette Porter, and scary foods from childhood. Finally,

Some/thing Borrowed

For my third contribution to Robin Reagler’s blog carnival, here’s Some/thing Borrowed: a recipe for Valentine’s Day. What better for Valentine’s Day than something chocolate? What better for parents on Valentine’s Day than an easy chocolate project to whip up with the kids? When I saw these Chocolate Pretzel Buttons, I knew they were winners.

Hack Your Hearts

The good thing about Valentine’s Day, which can at times seem like nothing more than a chocolate-fueled celebration of heterosexuality, is that the ubiquitous Sweethearts Conversation Hearts are at least pretty inclusive. Oh, you have to throw out some gender-specific ones that don’t apply, but you can always give the “Lover Boy” ones to your

If the L Word Characters Ran the Government

In this season of primaries and The L Word, I can’t help reprising and revising a post from last year: What if the characters on the show ran the U.S. government? We might get something like this:

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