Funny Texas Lesbian Mom on LOGO

Vickie ShawOne of the funniest lesbian comediennes I’ve ever heard is lesbian mom Vickie Shaw. Her Texas drawl and impeccable timing had Helen and me rolling in the aisle during two Olivia cruises (and no, it wasn’t seasickness).

Since another cruise isn’t in the cards for us this year, I was happy to see that Shaw will be premiering an hour-long special, “You Can Take the Girl Out of Texas,” tomorrow night on LOGO (Tuesday Apr. 22 at 9:00 PM ET/PT). The show will be part of LOGO’s weekly Tuesday night comedy block, “Funny Gay Stuff.”

Shaw was married for 18 years and had three children before coming out as both a lesbian and a comic. Her show isn’t entirely about parenting, but as her Web site states, “Vickie’s family is important to her, and as you will see they are just as dysfunctional as your family. She includes them in her act because it is cheaper than therapy.”

We could all use a few therapeutic laughs. Set your Tivo’s or VCR’s.

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