Super Dads Galore

A follow up to my earlier post on TiVo and Focus on the Family:

Both the Family Equality Council and Box Turtle Bulletin are asking people to submit entries about super LGBT dads to the FOF contest and then to send them copies of the entries, which FOF is screening out. (I’m assuming the same applies to LGBT-supportive dads as well). They will showcase them on their sites, and Box Turtle is giving away a t-shirt to the person who submits the best story.

Yes, I know most of you reading this are moms or prospective moms. If you have a dad (or dads), or father-in-law(s) (or is that father-out-laws?), or know dads who might be good subjects, however, please consider sharing your story. I happen to think that LBT moms’ perspectives on dads might be particularly interesting, and I look forward to reading your tales.

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