Cinderella’s Gay Blades

A modernized version of Cinderella by the Russian-based Imperial Ice Stars caused controversy in Australia Tuesday when “two male characters share a romantic scene together on the ice.” And no, one of them isn’t the fairy godmother. They’re just a couple of guys at the ball.

Artistic director Tony Mercer said, “I don’t think there is anything offensive about including a gay couple. You see them day in, day out on the street.”

Conservatives are having the usual conniptions about exposing children to this sort of thing. Geez, it’s not like it’s a couple of guinea pigs or anything. (Coincidentally, though, Sarah Brannen, author of Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, also does beautiful photos and watercolors of champion figure skaters. Check them out if you’re already looking ahead to the Winter Olympics.)

(Thanks to PageOneQ for a link to the the Herald Sun coverage of this.)

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