“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 38

This week, Helen and I bring you the Olympics with a parenting perspective. We pay proper homage to Dara Torres, Olympic swimmer and mom, and discuss how another Olympic mother-athlete is helping top competitors balance training and motherhood. On a more personal level, we explain why and how we’re exposing our son to different sports, and suggest ways to stay in shape after parenthood, even if you don’t have Olympic aspirations.

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1 thought on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 38”

  1. I love what you two are doing. This blog is topnotch. I wish I had had this when I was raising my two daughters by myself a few years ago. They are succesfully launched now into their lives. And I am finally getting to take a deep breath.

    But I still like to check in occasionally with you guys to see how your little family is doing.

    You are setting a wonderful example for thoughtful, sane parenting.

    Thanks for what you’re doing.

    All the best,
    Susan Gabriel

    P.S. I will watch just about anything on the Olympics, too.

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