Let’s Twitter!

TwitterDo you Twitter? I’ve just joined the micro-blogging social network, which means you can keep up with Mombian posts and other news by “following” me there, taking advantage of Twitter’s pervasiveness across the Web, mobile phones, and other devices. Just go to www.twitter.com/mombian and click “Follow.”

I’ll keep my Twitter feed updated with short news items and bits about my life that may or may not work their way into longer blog posts. I’ll also include alerts of new Mombian posts and other writings. Right now, I’ll do alerts only for more significant posts, but if enough folks want alerts every time I post something, let me know, and I can make that happen.

If you don’t have a Twitter account, you’ll be walked through the simple steps to get one. If you have no idea what Twitter is or why you might want to use it, here’s a good explanation. Also try this helpful post from Sarah Dopp, a very cool Web development consultant and poet whom I met at BlogHer Boston on Saturday. (More on that event to come, when I’ve organized my many thoughts on it.)

I’ve also set up a Mombian Network on Facebook, and invite you all to join. You can also “friend” me here. (If you “friend” me, please include a note saying you’re a Mombian reader, so I know you mean me and not some other person by my name. Thanks!)

Here’s to building community!

3 thoughts on “Let’s Twitter!”

  1. One of my favorite things about twitter is that you can link your twitter and rememberthemilk accounts (like a running to do list) and then you can text items in to rememberthemilk through twitter. Understand that I’m using a dumb cell phone so the ability to send tasks through a text message is huge.

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