Who’s Indoctrinating Whom?

The right-wing often claims that LGBT advocates are trying to “indoctrinate” children about “homosexuality.” One look at this, however, will tell you who’s really indoctrinating their children with lies:

This is exactly why we need to give money to these folks. Hear what Ellen DeGeneres has to say on the subject after the jump.

7 thoughts on “Who’s Indoctrinating Whom?”

  1. Angelina(in oakland)

    Yesterday at the Half Moon Bay pumpkin festival, was talking to a woman at the No On 8 table. She mentioned that her twelve-year-old daughter was upset about the Yes-er’s signs having a ‘family’ on them. Said “if that’s a family, what are we?”

    But most of the stuff we saw there yesterday was pretty strongly ‘no’, and one guy asked me “which one is prop 8?” and when I told him, he said, “oh, well that’s a no-brainer” (this was at the beer stand!” Even saw a McCain supporter with a No On 8 yard sign from the table… Keeping the faith, definitely.

  2. I already cast my vote against prop 8. It makes me so mad that I know my parents and grandparents and siblings are all voting yes on it. It’s like a personal slap in the face.

  3. Now that was damn disturbing. As a parent, I can only shake my head when I see this kind intolerance thrust upon such young children’s minds. Still, I’m confident that at the end of the day, the ‘no’ votes will outnumber the ‘yes’ votes. Keep the faith, California.

  4. Anima Sola, I wish I had your confidence. We’re behind right now, and working our ever-lovin’ arses off.

    It is totally possible that we could pull off a win (i.e. a defeat of 8), but just as possible that complacency on our part, and super-hyper-clerically-overcharged motivation on the other side’s part — all of which complicated by an early call to the presidential election — could conspire against us.

    At this point, far, far too few people have donated to the campaign (even though the numbers are heartening, they are infinitessimal when compared to the #s of those of us locally and nationally who stand to benefit/suffer, and those who support us). If everyone who cared in the least gave even as little as $5, it would turn the election.

    Here’s the link to the No on 8 donation page, folks! And thanks in advance for everything you can do!

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