October 2008

Video Update

No vlog this week, I’m afraid. Helen’s business trip to Japan got extended, and I thought that one solo vlog in a row from me was enough. (I’m also fighting some bronchial malady that causes me to have coughing fits at random intervals, which would be really unpleasant on camera.) Instead, I’ll offer you this […]

Halloween Poll

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a poll, so as a change from politics: [Update: I had a nice little poll up, but my polling plugin seems to have taken the day off. I’ve put in the question and answers below, though, so feel free to share your choice in the comments.] As regards

Lipstick on a Guinea Pig

Sometimes the headlines write themselves. Conservative writer and DC resident Margaret Hemenway is appalled that her child’s female first-grade teacher read Uncle Bobby’s Wedding to the class as a way to help the class understand that she (the teacher) was marrying another woman. Not only that, but Hemenway then goes on to tie 60’s radical

Palin vs. Maddow

Compare and contrast: The Republican National Committee has spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August. (Politico) On one side of [Rachel Maddow’s] still-bare office hang about a dozen suits in varying shades of black and gray,

“Saving Marriage” Has Universal Appeal, Massachusetts Roots

(Originally published with slight variation in Bay Windows, October 16, 2008. Photo: Marilyn Humphries.) Saving Marriage, a documentary about the fight for marriage equality in Massachusetts, will have its Boston theatrical premiere Oct. 17 at the Landmark Kendall Square. The film’s Boston-based editor, Paula Gauthier, couldn’t be happier. “It’s a gift back for the people

10 Things You Can Do to Stop the Props

Florida’s Prop 2, California’s Prop 8, Arizona’s Prop 102: You know what they are. You’ve given money to fight them. (If you haven’t, stop right now and click one of the links above, donate, then continue reading.) There are exactly two weeks to go now, folks. What else can you do, especially if you are

2008 Cybil Nominees Include LGBT Books

The 2008 Cybil nominees are here! Never heard of them? They bill themselves as “the premier Web awards for children’s literature,” and since they’ve been around for three years now, they have some claim to the title. The books are nominated by the public, and a panel of literary bloggers chooses the finalists. Several LGBT-themed

Bloggers Against Props 8, 2, and 102

As Election Day nears, bloggers are ramping up their efforts to raise money and awareness for the three state ballot measures that would make it unconstitutional for same-sex couples to marry. California’s measure, Proposition 8, is arguably the most important, since it would take away a right already held by citizens of the state, but

Who’s Indoctrinating Whom?

The right-wing often claims that LGBT advocates are trying to “indoctrinate” children about “homosexuality.” One look at this, however, will tell you who’s really indoctrinating their children with lies: This is exactly why we need to give money to these folks. Hear what Ellen DeGeneres has to say on the subject after the jump.

Weekly Political Roundup

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from “ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller, who is trying to deny visitation to her former partner, Janet Jenkins. SCOTUS rejected the appeal based on a ruling from the Vermont Supreme Court, where the case was first heard. It must still decide whether to hear a petition in

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