October 2008

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 47

I’m vlogging alone this week while Helen is away on business, so I offer some tips for other traveling parents and the ones staying home. I also discuss the theatrical release of a new movie documenting the fight for marriage equality in Massachusetts, Mary Cheney’s not-so-excellent dinner, and a lesbian mom presidential candidate. Watch Mombian: […]

Wedding Field Trip Riles Right

I blogged Monday about a San Francisco first-grade class who surprised their lesbian teacher by showing up at her wedding. A parent suggested the field trip and school administrators agreed it was a “teachable moment.” While I admired the thought behind the trip, I was very concerned about the far-right running with the story. Well,

Twittering the Debate

I’ll be live-Twittering the presidential debate tonight at 9:00p.m. Eastern, and invite you all to play along, whether with snarkery, wonkery, or ongoing suggestions for debate drinking games. (I’m thinking I may need a couple of shots of Mylanta myself.) I’ll probably stick around for a while afterwards and comment on the commentary, if the

Blog Action Day 2008: Poverty

Today is Blog Action Day, when bloggers are all asked to post about the same topic “to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.” If you’ve participated in my Blogging for LGBT Families Day, you know the idea—but this is done with more resources on a much grander scale. This year’s topic is poverty. With

A Lesbian Mom Presidential Candidate?

Tired of the election already? Dissatisfied with rhetoric from both parties? Well, there’s a new candidate on the trail, and she appears to be a lesbian mom: Senator Julia Polonia Foley DeWiki (affectionately known as Mop), born February 29th 1964 is an independent candidate in the election for the US presidency which will be decided

Hooked on Giveaways

Shifting from political discussion to something more fun: let’s have a giveaway. While at BlogHer Boston Saturday, I picked up some books from Hooked on Phonics, one of the conference sponsors. The Hooked on Phonics company has been around for over 20 years now. They’ve expanded their range beyond phonics, and now offer learning aids

Students Take Field Trip to Lesbian Teacher’s Wedding

Here’s a good one for discussion: A group of first-graders in San Francisco took a field trip to City Hall last Friday to attend the wedding of their lesbian teacher. They threw rose petals and blew bubbles. Mayor Gavin Newsom officiated. The field trip was a parent’s idea, a surprise for the children’s dedicated teacher.

BlogHer Boston Bonanza

I had a bloggeriffic time Saturday at the BlogHer Boston conference. The best part was networking with other women bloggers, some of whom had backgrounds very different from my own. I even went to a session on food blogging just for the heck of it. (I actually have a secret desire to be a food

Let’s Twitter!

Do you Twitter? I’ve just joined the micro-blogging social network, which means you can keep up with Mombian posts and other news by “following” me there, taking advantage of Twitter’s pervasiveness across the Web, mobile phones, and other devices. Just go to www.twitter.com/mombian and click “Follow.” I’ll keep my Twitter feed updated with short news

In Memoriam: Matthew Shepard

Ten years ago today, Matthew Shepard was pronounced dead at Poudre Valley Hospital in Wyoming after being severely beaten in a homophobic attack. His parents have since become outspoken advocates for erasing hate. I had the honor of hosting Judy Shepard when she spoke at Merrill Lynch in 2000, back when I was head of

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