October 2008

Coming Out, Staying In

I’ve written and vlogged already this week in honor of today’s National Coming Out Day. (Maybe it’s my Jewish heritage that makes me want to extend fun holidays across an entire week.) I think it’s clear that I generally think visibility is a good thing. In all the hoopla today over the benefits of coming […]

Weekly Political Roundup

The Connecticut Supreme Court today ruled that “same sex couples cannot be denied the freedom to marry.” GLAD has links to some of the news coverage of this historic event. Also check out this video of the lead plaintiffs, Beth Kerrigan and Jody Mock, reacting to the news. Have tissues handy. The Council of Europe

Marriage Equality Win in Connecticut!

The Connecticut Supreme Court just ruled in favor of marriage equality for same-sex couples: Our conventional understanding of marriage must yield to a more contemporary appreciation of the rights entitled to constitutional protection. Interpreting our state constitutional provisions in accordance with firmly established equal protection principles leads inevitably to the conclusion that gay persons are

LGBT Parents Win Big in Arkansas

Hot off the presses: The good news keeps rolling in this week: The Arkansas Blog (from the Arkansas Times) reports that the state Department of Human Services will drop its rule that prohibits placement of foster children in homes with unmarried couples (and by definition, same-sex couples). “Instead, it will decide placement on a case

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 46

This week, Helen and I offer our parenting perspectives on recent news about celebrity lesbian moms Melissa and Tammy Etheridge and Rosie O’Donnell. What would happen if moms showed off their parenting talents on Rosie’s upcoming variety show? We also wonder why there aren’t more celebrity gay dads, despite the recent addition of singer Clay

Visibility and Parenthood

I have a piece up at 365gay.com in honor of National Coming Out Day this Saturday. It’s titled “Heterosexual Assumptions,” but also discusses the many complexities of being out as an LGBT parent. I can’t crosspost it yet, but you can pop over there to have a read (and catch up on the news while

Going to BlogHer Boston?

If you’re going to be at the BlogHer Boston conference this Saturday, please drop me a note so we can say hi! I’ll be on the Closing Keynote panel, “Change Your Future; Change the World,” but should be around the rest of the day as well. Here’s what we’ll be discussing on our panel: Blogging

McCain Responds to LGBT Families with Form Letter

Back in August, I wrote about the differing positions of Barack Obama and John McCain with regard to LGBT families. McCain had just said that he didn’t believe in gay adoption. Obama had written a lengthy, and very supportive letter in response to questions from the Family Equality Council (FEC). (Yes, he’s not quite there

Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruling on Lesbians and Donor Semen

Good news: The U.S. Supreme Court today refused to hear a case “that would have had far-reaching implications for lesbians and single women choosing to bear children,” according to law professor Nancy Polikoff, author of Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law. The case involves a Kansas woman whose sperm donor

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